6 Alarming Symptoms in Pregnancy

bullet imagebullet imageMost of the strange sensations and discomforts in pregnancy are completely normal.However, there are alarming symptoms during pregnancy which require immediate medical attention.Call your doctor if you have experience any of the following situations.

1 – Sudden Swelling of Your Face, Feet or Ankles

Some swelling in pregnancy is normal, but sudden and excessive swelling of face (especially around your eyes), feet or ankles can be a sign of preeclampsia, which requires treatment and care from your doctor.Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication that combines high blood pressure and excessive amounts of protein in urine.Your baby may suffer deficiencies in nutrition and oxygen supply up to detachment of the placenta or premature birth.Other symptoms of preeclampsia are sudden weight gain, constant headache, changes in vision and mental confusion.

2 – Severe and Constant Headache

Some headaches are part of normal symptoms of pregnancy and can be relieved with good hydration and nutrition, and acetaminophen.If severe and persistent headaches do not respond to basic treatment, they can signal high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia.

3 – Vaginal Bleeding

A few drops of blood or a slight sporadic spotting is usually harmless and can be treated by implantation bleeding, handling or tenderness after sex.These cases should be mentioned to your doctor.However, if the bleeding is heavier or accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, back pain and dizziness, they may signal risk of loss, ectopic pregnancy, placenta previa, placental abruption, labor or infection of the cervix.

4 – Vision Problems

Typical fluid retention in pregnancy causes changes in the curvature of your eyes and a temporary deterioration in your vision.However, if your vision problems go beyond a little blurred vision, it may be a sign of gestational diabetes or preeclampsia.Warning signs include double vision, light sensitivity, floaters do not disappear, and loss of vision for a short time.

5 – Difficulty in Urination

Pain or a burning sensation during urination are signs of a possible urinary tract infection.Although common, an infection of this type could cause premature labor.Frequent vaginal infections may also indicate gestational diabetes.If you have low urinary frequency or your urine is dark, it may be dehydration. Remember you might also have to do a drug test so keep clean. Ty and do a mouth swab drug test if you can.

6 – Change in Vaginal Discharge

During pregnancy your vaginal discharge changes and is often more abundant, whitish and thick, this is normal.However, if you notice that the flow becomes more liquid, transparent, abundant and constant, it may be leaking amniotic fluid.This is an emergency signal and you should contact your doctor immediately.

Of course, if you have an abundant leak at once, it may be the rupture of your membranes.In that case you require emergency medical care.